Providing your relocation company with accurate information in a timely way is absolutely essential if you would like to experience a successful move. It begins with the information you provide during the time you make the initial contact with your information company, continues with inventories and details and ends with updates a few days before your actual moving date. Let’s take a look at some of the essential information that you need to provide your relocation service provider.
Information you should provide during your Initial Contact
When you first contact your relocation company, a few weeks before your actual moving date, you should provide an initial inventory list, information about your packing needs and an estimated date for pick up. If you are about to perform a long distance move, you should also provide information about delivery locations and dates, as well as storage needs.
Information you should provide to receive an Estimate
In order to receive an accurate estimate, you should provide an item by item list of items. If an on-site estimator visits your house, it is important that you show him all the items you intend to move and describe your packing needs with accuracy.
Updating your Relocation Company
It is also very important that you update your relocation company about any changes regarding your inventory, packing needs or delivery information. Such updates will allow your mover to create proper adjustments and keep your estimate accurate. Remember, the more accurate the information you provide, the more accurate will the estimate be.