A simple online search for any type relocation will yield numerous results. Some people assume, erroneously so, that all the companies coming up in their search results are local companies. In actuality, many of the companies which will be at the forefront of the search results will be located in a remote location and do not necessarily specialize in providing relocation services in your area.
So how can you find out whether or not you are dealing with an actual local mover? In this post we will attempt to answer this question and provide you with some tips for finding the perfect local mover.
Checking Location
The best way to check and verify the information that your moving company is providing you is to check with the DOT and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Both have websites that will allow you to double check the actual physical address and also to see if there are any upstanding complaints or violations.
After checking the location, it may be a good idea the pay the facilities a visit yourself and make sure that you are dealing with a large enough company, which has the necessary trucks, equipment and so forth.
How Local is Local?
The answer to the title question depends on the type of move that you would like to perform. For local moves, it is recommended to use only local mover, movers that are located in your own city or in a neighboring city.
For long distance moves, it is recommended to use movers that are located in the same state as the origin point and that have the necessary means and knowledge.