When you search for moving companies online, the one thing that you can be certain of is that each and every service provider you will contact will claim to be the most reputable, worthy and trustworthy with the best prices, terms and conditions.
In actuality, many of the service providers that advertize their services on the internet are brokers, directory websites that pass on your information to several movers and actual moving companies that are not the most reputable in the world, to put it mildly.
So how can you, as a consumer, protect yourself and find actual reputable movers?
Some Key Points to Check and Verify
Let’s take a look at some key points you need to check and verify.
- Your best way to make sure that you are dealing with an actual local mover is to check the physical address. Our recommendation is to actually go and pay a visit to the mover you are considering in order to make sure that it has all the resources, trucks and equipment necessary. A reputable mover will encourage you to come and visit its offices in order to sign the contract.
- Ask for a company representative to come to your house and provide you with an on-site estimate. Make sure you mention your packing needs so these will be included in the price.
- Check moving licenses to make sure that you are dealing with a registered mover.
- Ask for references from other customers. You may want to write a short email to one or two customers to ask them about their experiences with the mover you are considering.
- Make sure that all terms and conditions of the move are discussed and understood in advance. Check with your mover about packing charges and any other fees that may be added on top of the estimate given to you.